Samsung C100 (24th Feb, 04)………..(22nd Sep, 04)

This was so good-looking and very slim, the colored LCD screen has a sharp display the polyphonic ringbones were so better than previous models. Specially I always like to listen “Bawadak” and that tone was also an alarm to woke up me at morning to going for Sukkur Institute. I use that phone for seven months (within this period I had purchased a new Ufone SIM card number 0333-7103683, I was still using it) and after that time the GSM network also start in Shikarpur “both Ufone & Mobilink” I was still happy with that phone but when I knew the phone was not support the MMS messages, and X100 is much better in this manner, then I decided to sale it for getting another new one.
And I was go to